
Welcome to my website. This is me...
I've been collecting music ever since i was a kid in the mid 80's. As i didn't have enough money to buy all my favourite music, i used to record music from national radiostations, and then use my double cassette deck to edit these recordings untill i had one version of my favourite songs without a radio-dj talking trough it. This enabled me to compile a significant music collection on a low budget, and it were my first steps in audio editing. From the mid 80's till late 80's my music collection kept expanding, as my editing skills improved.
The First steps
In the late 80's/early 90's i got into mixing music, inspired by legends like Ben Liebrand, Dj Deep, Unity Mixers, and Dj Garry Krasovec. My first (re)mixes were used by a friend, as audiotracks for computer demo's by his Amiga-democrew known as USC. Some of these audio tracks found their way to (what was in those days) one of the biggest computer-BBS's (Bulletin Board System) in the Netherlands: Fortress BBS. A few weeks later i was told that some of these remixes became 'download of the month'. This caught the attention of the owners of a locally legendary youth center known as Meetpoint. They asked me to become one of their resident dj's in 1995. Meetpoint was located only a few streets away from the appartment where the Dutch artist 'Critical Mass' lived back then. Later that year i also officially joined USC (the Amiga demo crew); they had meanwhile evolved into an international community of creative individuals, who introduced me to the people at IDP (International Dance Promotion) and the Dutch branch of DMC (Disco Mix Club).
Going international
In those days, IDP was the largest dj organisation in the BeNeLux, and DMC was the largest dj organisation in the world. They offered me a place in their crew: between 1996 and 2004 i toured the world as part of the Dutch crew of the DMC World Dj Championships. We toured trough the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, United Kingdom, and USA. I had a chance to meet with artists like Damae (Fragma), and i spend many hours in the studio with my inspirator; Dj Garry. In 2004 i stopped working for IDP/DMC Holland, as the owner sold the company. From then on i focused mainly on studio-productions, such as creating jingles and mixes for various online radiostations. Most notorious is my 'Mix by Mix' series: 30-minute yearmixes from 1980 till 2020, that sometimes feature up to 100 tracks! The 30-minute restriction was set by the online radio station that aired the original mix-series. After 2020 i continued the series on request of another online radiostation, and i decided to maintain the '30-minute standard' as i had become my trademark.
From DJ to Megamixer
I call myself a 'dj' because that's now the online radiostations have marketed me...but i don't think the title 'disc jockey' really suits me. This is because, to me, the title 'disc jockey' refers to someone who enjoys standing behind a set of turntables in front of party crowds.
I am more into studio productions, creating my mixes far away from live crowds. I would therefore refer to myself as a Megamixer rather than an disc jockey...and my 'bootleg' (mega)mixing style even got me the nickname 'Meezenbroek's Favourite Megamixer', (refering to the Dutch neighbourhood 'Meezenbroek' where my studio is located). Since the year 2010 i found it increasingly difficult to maintain the 'Mix by Mix' standard in the yearmixes, as the music in the charts in that time did no longer have the same feeling to me as back in the 90's and early 00's. That's when the idea was born to create 'flashback' mixes, featuring music from the good old days.
I did so in various styles, and thereby underline the diversity of my mixing skills: i mixed virtually every music style...from Rammstein to Dreamtrance, from german Schlager to Folk music, from Reggae tot Hardcore Gabber, and so on. So yes...i am a true Megamixer.
Awards and Acchievements
In 2018 i received a gold YouTube award for an online dj-mix-chanel that i operated together with my creative team (USC). Our chanel was unfortunately disavowed later, due to a quarrel with YouTube over copyright issues - the team's Dutch website still excists, check www.USCworld.com for more info. In may 2020 i set an "Official World Record" with a 5-hour audio/video megamix that has over 1243 tracks; unfortunately i could not afford the € 1200 fee for the official register, so i only got the certificate and not the registration in the books, website, et cetera. Both my World Record Attempt Mixes (2007 / 2020) are available on this site, as Project 45 and Project 46.
New website after going 100% online
When the alledged "covid19 pandemic" appeared in 2020 i chose not be be vaccinated. That means that in most countries i was no longer allowed to perform 'live'. As i mentioned earlier, i had been focusing mainly on studio productions anyway, since i stopped working for DMC. The vaccination-restriction made me decide to go 100% online, which lead to my idea for www.djcash.online! Here i store and share my musical creations with all of you. Since then, i've had the honour to welcome many international mix-lovers from all over the world: i've had visitors from Holland to Japan, from Portugal to Germany, from the UK to Russia, from Brazil to USA, and so on. In 2023 i became one of the resident dj's at several online radion sations, including Radio Cruiseship and Radio Galaxy. One of my favourite quotes is: "I just want to make beautiful things, even if nobody cares"...but to be brutally honest: in my heart i hope you do care, and that you like the things i create. Therefore i would greatly appreciate if you'd leave a comment or a personal message.
Downloads and plans for a community
Due to copyright limitations i am not allowed to share any of the mixes as download here. All i can do is to offer you my (legal) cloud streams, but please keep in mind that the audio quality of these online streams is sometimes not as good as the original recordings.
I created a download portal for premium site members, using a free server at hearthis.at...but unfortunately they updated their terms of use in 2021, limiting the number of downloads slots for the 123 mixes (that were online at that time). In 2022 mixcloud.com also limited it's online streams to 10 per account, so not all mixes can be downloaded at this moment. Also, my domain name registar increased the price of my hosting plan with more than 120 euro per year, delaying my plans for an online community where i can offer downloads.
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